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pidgy basics¤

pidgy uses markdown as programming and document language. it is designed for writing intermingling narrative and code. be experimental. have fun.

    # pidgy suppresses output when beginning with a blank line.
    %reload_ext pidgy
    shell.weave.reactive = False
    shell.tangle.include_code_fences = ()

tangle markdown to python¤

a single Tab separates code and non-code in markdown.

a block of markdown illustrating the subtle difference between code blocks and non-code blocks.

    # indented code block
# markdown heading

python and markdown have constrasting views of the #. in python, lines beginning with # are comments that are ignored. while in markdown, the # represent an <h1> which is a very meaningful element.1

the nearness between narrative and code allows for fluid transitions between literary and computational thinking. typically, in notebooks, narrative and code are separated by distinct cell boundaries.

#### setting markdown to variables

an early <abbr title="markdown and python pidgin syntax">markdonic hybird syntax you may use is sets markdown blocks as strings. everything in between code blocks is a big old block string.

<figure markdown>
<figcaption markdown>
a practical case  for settings markdown to variables is very useful for collecting variables or lists of variables.
the outcome is demonstrated by `pidgy_links` below


{% set block %}
    my_variable_name = \

a markdown paragraph
{% endset %}

<figure markdown>
<figcaption markdown>
markdown input defined <code>my_variable_name</code> to a markdown paragraph.
during translation, line continuations are included to connect code blocks to markdown blocks.


<figcaption>the python translation of the markdown</figcaption>


setting markdown to variables¤

an early markdonic hybird syntax you may use is sets markdown blocks as strings. everything in between code blocks is a big old block string.

a practical case for settings markdown to variables is very useful for collecting variables or lists of variables. the outcome is demonstrated by pidgy_links below


markdown input defined my_variable_name to a markdown paragraph. during translation, line continuations are included to connect code blocks to markdown blocks.

    my_variable_name = \

a markdown paragraph
the python translation of the markdown
my_variable_name = \
"""a markdown paragraph""";
#### writing markdown docstrings

pidgy has heuristics for dealing nested blocks in python make it easy to write docstrings in markdown.

{% set block %}
    my_variable_name = \

a markdown paragraph

    class MyClass:
you bet this with classes.

        def sub_function(self):
even inside of class methods!

            return "🔥"
{% endset %}

##### docstrings in markdown

markdown input defined <code>my_variable_name</code> to a markdown paragraph.
during translation, line continuations are included to connect code blocks to markdown blocks.


##### docstrings in python

<figcaption>the python translation of the markdown</figcaption>


writing markdown docstrings¤

pidgy has heuristics for dealing nested blocks in python make it easy to write docstrings in markdown.

docstrings in markdown¤
markdown input defined my_variable_name to a markdown paragraph. during translation, line continuations are included to connect code blocks to markdown blocks.
    my_variable_name = \

a markdown paragraph

    class MyClass:
you bet this with classes.

        def sub_function(self):
even inside of class methods!

            return "🔥"
docstrings in python¤
the python translation of the markdown
my_variable_name = \
"""a markdown paragraph"""

class MyClass:
    """you bet this with classes."""

    def sub_function(self):
        """even inside of class methods!"""

        return "🔥"

weave markdown to a display¤

jinja2 is a powerful templating engine in between markdown and python. it lets authors include variables from their current namespace directly into a rich display; pidgy also reacts to changes and updates the display.

suppressing the display¤

start the cell with a blank line to suppress the woven display. this is a quick way to suppress supporting code or imports that don't add directly to the narrative.

when a markdown begins with a blank line, `pidgy` will tangle & execute any code, but will not generate a display.
#### reactivity

`pidgy` is reactive out of the box; any [variables included in the display](#including-variables-in-the-display) are updated when values change during cell execution.

[learn more about reactivity and working with widgets](reactivity.ipynb)


pidgy is reactive out of the box; any variables included in the display are updated when values change during cell execution.

learn more about reactivity and working with widgets

## learn more

learn more¤

  1. web content accessibility guidelines recommend one and only one <h1> on your page, the same should go for your markdown