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reactivity in pidgy¤

pidgy allows authors to include python objects in their markdown using jinja templates.

reactive templates¤

jinja2 is pidgys preferred template language that allows python objects to be displayed in markdown displays. when templates are used, pidgy watches for changes to template variables and will update displays when the values change.

modified IPython templates¤

pidgy features modified jinja2 templates that can access all the variables in the interactive shell. templates are rendered by the IPython display system and converted to their web representation.

working with interactive widgets¤

ipywidgets interop¤

if you eat 3 then you consume 150 calories.

(cookies := IntSlider(3, description="🍪"))

deploy applications with voila¤

todo panel interop¤

forcing display updates¤

sometimes you may want to execute a loop that forces updates to the ui. the shell.weave holds these abilities.


turn of reactivity¤

reactivity is a feature of the wo ven display and we can turn that feature off.

shell.weave.reactive = False