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pidgy mkdocs extension¤

pidgy ships an extension for publishing notebooks with all mkdocs rich document features.1

the extension exists to get the best out of notebooks and mkdocs. it using standard jupyter machinery to converts to markdown documents that mkdocs can consume.

notebook metadata¤

currently, we do nothing with notebook metadata, but ideas are welcome. one idea would be to run execute notebooks.

jupyter displays¤

pidgy wants you to have all the tools you need to write and build applications. when you the load the pidgy extension you have access to user interfaces in IPython.display and ipywidgets to get you started.

jupyter widgets¤

jupyter widgets are included in the display, but that are not interactive. they can be used interactively in jupyter lite.

IntSlider(value=10, description='an ipywidgets slider')
IntSlider(10, 0, 100, 1, description=

an ipywidgets slider


pidgy mkdocs mode¤

when %load_ext pidgy or %reload_ext pidgy is found in a notebook cell, we render the documents in pidgy mode. the inputs are hidden and all that is published are the outputs of the document.

  1. originally pidgy used the useful mkdocs-jupyter for rendering notebooks. this project inspired pidgys extension which moves the nbconvert process earlier in the mkdocs event cycle; it drops a lot of the form that mkdocs-jupyter maintains.s